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Group meetings and events





07.05.'24 SP B0.207 Frances Pope
14.05.'24 SP D1.114 Connor Deacon-Price
21.05.'24 N/A

e-Refinery - Cancelled

28.05.'24 SP D1.114 Pim Broersen
04.06.'24 SP D1.112 Vasliki Paschalidou
11.06.'24 SP D1.112 Noƫ Watson

*Unless stated otherwise the group meeting is scheduled every Tuesday at 11:00.

Group meetings take place in person at Science Park.

Agenda for the group meetings:

Welcome and announcements (5 min) followed by one presentation per meeting. This can either be a literature presentation, where the presenter discusses a paper that they find interesting and (preferably) related to their own research, or a research presentation, where they can show their latest work for input/help/discussion. Presentations should be approximately 15 minutes in length, followed by 10-15 minutes of questions.






06.05.'24 D1.112 - 15:00 Nina Chen - Master's Research Project Presentation